for using GSAP the first step is to copy the CDN:
//syntax: for Intial Position to Final Position"name of the element", {object -> operation to perform});
//syntax: for Final Position to Intial Position
gsap.from("name of the element", {object -> operation to perform});
// rotate and move elements with a class of "box"
// ("x" is a shortcut for a translateX() transform)over the course of 1second."#box",{
x:1000,duration:2,delay:1,rotate:360,backgroundColor: "blue"
x:1000,duration:2,delay:1,rotate:360,backgroundColor: "blue"
A Timeline is a powerful sequencing tool that acts as a container for tweens and other timelines, making it simple to control them as a whole and precisely manage their timing.
GSAP scroll trigger:
connect the CDN:
Locomotive JS Library for efficient scroll:
Locomotive JS CDN:
search for locomotive JS CDN and then
after clicking copy the page URL
Locomotive + Scroll Trigger: